Reading Prochazka is a treat. This book takes you to a land where you can only discover new things, where you can get more the more you know about philosophy and science fiction; about literature and life.
We practiced Aikido at 11 800 feet above the sea level and on a concrete floor instead of a mat. That’s how we started in September 1997 in what we called the Tenchi Dojo. What took us there? Our jobs,…
Publicado en Quehacer: Revista Bimestral del Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo – DESCO, Lima, 1995, 95 72-75 Por: Javier Domínguez Faura Los piromaniacos están ahí, quemando pastos, árboles de castaña, quemando puentes, los pocos puentes que sirven para…